Sunday, February 21, 2010

wow...i guess its been awhile

yes. the title and date says it all.
I haven't been updating my other blog either. hee hee

Anyway, Now its Feb 10 and I've been managing my PCOS for 6 months now.
My last appointment with Dr Y was supposed to be early Feb, but she had to cancel.
We moved it a few days later, but I cancelled and postponed to a few after that.
I cancelled that one too...hmmm...maybe my instincts was telling me something?

anyway, since that time, I have lost a total of 3kg, 1.5kg within the 1st month, another 1.5kg within the 2nd month.
In terms of measurements, I lost 4.5" overall the 1st month, 1.5" off my waist alone. I hadn't noted down my measurements lost during the 2nd month, so I can't say.

Apparently this is good, cuz now my BMI would be at the ideal range.
My food intake has certainly decreased, yet I rather think the loss is mostly because I was a reluctant bullimic with all that vomiting.

In Jan 10, I measured myself and noted I've lost a total of 5" off my waist, 1" off my hips and an unfortunate 2.5" off my bust (mostly the back fat yucks! but a bit off the front too sniff sniff)

Oddly, I still wear the same bra size tho.
As for weight, I think I'm down to 57, but its difficult to say since the machine I first used to weight myself is not the machine at home and when I weighed myself at her clinic, it showed 1kg higher than at home. Maybe its the jeans....? ahaks!

Recently, my sister (Bunnie) has been urging me to stop taking Reductil. At this point, Dr Y has changed my dosage to 3 times a week as opposed to every other day as prescribed before.
Reasons why she said I should stop:
  • Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia)
  • Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
  • Headache
  • Pins and needles (paraesthesia)
  • Lightheadedness
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Alteration in taste
  • Aggravation of haemorrhoids
  • Hot flushes
  • Awareness of your heartbeat (palpitations)
  • Increased heart rate (tachycardia)
  • Raised blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Depression
  • Menstrual cycle disorders
  • Impotence
  • Seizures
  • Decrease in the number of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia)
  • Kidney disorders

Well! isn't it a shame some of those things I could be having due to PCOS and some I have due to (possible hypoglycemia), also from taking Diane-35. Seriously, wonder if I'm happy knowing now, after 5 months of using (wasn't a very good meds taker that 6th month) or not..cuz at leats I lost 3kg and that many inches. 

Currently, I'm seeing a naturopathic practitioner, Johanna, whose office is really close to home (yeay!)
She's very nice, young and is very patient and compassionate (1st impression).
My goal now is to manage my diet and take supplements rather than take medicine to manage/lose weight and manage the hormones.
So she's put me on Low GI (Glycemic Index) food.
What I like about Johanna is that she has given me a list (4 pages long) right off the bat on what to eat, what a meal should look like, what, what food is low in GI and GL.
She also sent me an e-mail with a treatment plan.

What I like about Johanna, aside from her personality, is that she really listens.
She asked me SO many questions (our consultantion lasted 2 hours) about my medical history that no other doctors have bothered to do.
She gave me a list (on paper) and made a treatment plan and told me what it was, rather than just verbalising it and expecting me to remember or google things up (which can be further confusing cuz many ppl say many different things).
She didn't pressure me into buying her supplements or getting any products from her directly and was considerate about my lack of funds.
I have to give credit to Dr Y in that she always charged me the min in consulation fees (she too knew I didn't have cash) and always advised me to get the meds outside (half the price). Dr Y was also very friendly, but I like this more personal approach with Johanna.

I need to make it clear that a naturopathic practitioners are not doctors. They may have a degree in naturopath (ie learn about body, supplements herbs etc) but they do not have a medical degree.

My appointment with Johanna was on the 9th of Feb and I have really changed my diet since meeting with her.
Partly was because of her approach and the way she managed me (yes, I have always been a bit picky with how and whom gives advice..hee hee). Partly because I just want this change.

So far so good. More info in a few days..

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