Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food for the soul

Due to Reductil, my body has learned to eat less (again), which is good.
Due to I don't know what, I now have to eat every 4 hours.
So basically, lots of small meals in a day - like half a sandwich now half a sandwich later.
What I need to learn is to eat breakfast soon after waking up.

Johanna, my naturopathic practitioner, wants me to go for a blood test - 18KS, which would let me know how my liver is doing, kidneys and whether I may have diabetes.
My test can only be done after the 25th, cuz that's when my limit resets, sad but true.

I've also changed what I eat quite a bit.
Gone are the fried kuey teows (sniff sniff), fried mee, fried everything, burgers from fast food (not that I had so much of that before, though) and all the sweet sweet snacks I love to love.

I crave the occassional sweet stuff, which according to Johanna is normal for ppl with glucose issues.
So I have half a bannofee pie now and the other half later or the following day.
I always take away food cuz I can never finish the portion at restaurants.

I eat more veggies and more fruits.
I'm eating tofu (which is actually pretty nice), staying away from white pasta and white bread, creamy stuff and all that unhealthy stuff.

Today, I had me 1 litre of water (I slept at 6am and woke up at 1pm , so that's a good amt for the day so far I guess).
Tonite, I am having tofu - recipe will be in another post.

For my plain water, I add honey to it. Not the regular honey you get from stores.
I guess if I were to describe it, it would be organic or un-factory processed.
Its not as sweet or erm...strong. It has a really light taste and quite nice (I don't really like honey).

Every morning, I'm to drink juice from 1/4 of lemon with warm or room temp water (for my liver).
I eat salad more and should be before my meal (so makes me full and I actually would not have that much meal following).
I'm cutting down my coffee intake to one a day.

So far so good, none of the symptoms have come back, but who knows!
Its only been less than a month. Oh gosh I worry!

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