Saturday, October 3, 2009

day 1 - 4

Its been 4 days since I started the pills.
Since I only need to take Diane and Ranitidine daily whereas Reductil and Pharmaton are to be taken every other day, I have attributed the constant nausea to either Diane or Ranitidine.
I don't wanna risk stopping Diane just to see whether its the Ranitidine or Diane that's causing the nausea, but I'll be done with Diane in a few weeks, but there's no rest with Ranitidine, so I can gauge which of the two is causing the nausea.
In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to use one of the home remedies like drinking peppermint tea or ginger ale.

The annoying this is that the nausea stays throughout the day.

Today (Reductil & Pharmaton free day), I took Ranitidine at 8am, had breakfast a few minutes after and took Diane after breakfast - around 9am.
By 9.15am, I felt nauseous, by around 10am I was pretty tired (both possible side effects of Diane) and went to bed.

I've been thinking its pretty odd, that I would feel tired (and possibly the nausea) with Diane, since that didn't happen when I took it in 2002, but I figured my body might've changed quite a bit since then.
On Tuesday I'm going for my general check up (blood test, urine test, BP etc) with my GP so I'm gonna check with her about this.

Anyway, when I woke up around 12.30pm, I felt pretty weak, shaky in fact and somewhat uncoordinated (which is normal when I haven't had a meal or am low on sugar).
Made myself something proper to eat and after that, I was ok.
Still feeling nauseous at this point and in fact it tends to be an underlying thing for me nowadays.

Normally its pretty 'light' nausea, meaning to say I don't actually start gagging or anything.
But today, that happened twice, but I didn't throw up - well I wouldn't since I took Diane at 9am and it hasn't been 6 hours since then yet...I don't wanna waste a pill and have to take it again..then go through another long cycle of feeling nauseated.

Other than the nausea, I've been having a slight (but annoying headache) from 6pm Thursday to around 4.30pm Friday. Went to bed on Thursday with the headache, woke up Friday with the headache.
Mentioned this in my previous blog.

Also experiencing tenderness of the tatas (experienced this when I took Diane in 2002), ab cramps (Diane - did not experience this in 02), bitter taste in my mouth (Reductil side effect) and some GERD-ing (normal for me actually).
The Ranitidine is meant to help with the GERD, so I think I'll just have to wait until the pill makes whatever it is in my stupid belly to settle down.
I cannot be sure if I feel hungry or its the nausea, but as of today, no more gastric pangs.

I've had something light around 4pm, just to make sure I don't start getting weak or anything - Nutella on white bread; surprisingly, Nutella has a low GI content. Awesome!
Dinner will be soon then I'm trying out the peppermint tea.

Oh I feel so vomitous!

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