Friday, October 2, 2009

2nd opinion

So after a most unsatisfactory diagnosis that lasted all of 5 minutes with no explanation on what I had and what it means, I decided I should at least google up Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and find out what it meant.
I also decided to call up another ob-gyn (not my GP) for a second opinion; my appointment was the following day at 11am.

When I met the ob-gyn, Dr Y, I showed her blood test results and what the previous doctor diagnosed me with. Dr Y I asked whether any other tests were done to confirm I have PCOS and I said no.
So she said "Let's do an ultrasound and just check."
So we did an ultrasound and there they were, black masses in my ovaries, both sides.
Dr Y asked me if I was married and if I planned to get married and have kids. I said 'no' to the former and 'who knows what would happen in the future; I may meet someone', to the latter.
Then I told her I read that infertility could be an issue for people with PCOS - she said that was exactly why she asked me those questions and that if I planned on getting pregnant, we'd have to re-look the meds.

She decided to let me stay on Diane, since she said they worked for me in the past (with regard to my skin condition). Her alternative med was Androcur, which was pretty pricey.
Since Diane made me (and will make me) put on weight, she also recommended I take Reductil, known as a 'diet' pil that basically suppresses your desire to eat and convinces you that you're full.
Later that day after some research on the side effects and lots of thinking, I decided Diane and Reductil it is, Androcur will have to wait.

Wednesday (day after consultation with Dr Y), I went to the clinic to pick up my prescription. There I realised that supressing my appetite could make my gastric worse, since I'll be eating less.
So the good dr prescribed me Ranitidine also, which would help with my gastric.

I went down to the clinic's pharmacy and found out that Ranitidine would cost me $150 in total (for 1 month's supply), but was advised by the pharmacist that regular pharmacies would carry them at a cheaper price.
So I took my Reductil, went to Caring and bought 2 months' supply of Ranitadine at $24 for a month.

At 1.30pm I popped Ranitidine and Reductil with water; 30 minutes later, I started feeling nauseous.
I had my lunch, popped Diane and Pharmaton for my low iron and ended up going to the toilet twice one hour apart. True to its warning, I experience dry mouth within 2hrs of popping my 1st Reductil .
My nausea stayed on until 7.45pm when I couldn't stand it anymore and threw up.
My stomach felt better really quickly.

That night for dinner around 10pm I had half a 6" of a Subway sandwich. Odd I already felt full when normally I could eat a whole 6" straight (no naughty jokes pls).
At 2am I was hungry again, so I had the rest of the sandwich.
The next morning I took the Ranitidine and Diane, since Dr Y informed me to take Pharmaton and Reductil only every other day.

I had a fairly good breakfast; neither too heavy or too light and around 1pm had lunch, also not too heavy, but quite good.
Probably less than 10tbs of rice and 1 small chicken.
Frankly, this would've been the amount of food I'd eat before I started taking Diane.

Around 2pm I started feeling really sleepy, which apparenly can be one of the side effects of Diane.
I woke up at 6pm with a slight headache, which I initially attributed to the sun (for some reason, whenever the sun shines directly on me, I get headaches or migraines, sometimes I even feel nauseous).
The headache was manageable, but I didn't wanna take any aspirin.
It lasted through the night and in the morning when I woke up, I still had the headache.
At 9am I had eggs and toast for breakfast (found out that PCOSers need loads of protein and fibre), with Diane and Ranitidine right after.
Around 3pm I went out, still with the headache and now starting to feel nauseous, too.
I went to La Village, straight to the pharmacy and after checking with the pharmacist, got meself some Actifast Panadol.
He also told me I could have a max of 2 Ranitidine if my tummy was bothering me, which it was.
So I took one more Ranitidine and after lunch, took 2 Panadols.
30min a bit of head massaging later, the headache finally went away, but the nausea remained.
Its now 6.50pm, almost 4 hrs after my last meal. If experience has taught me anything, its that I need to have something substantial in my belly every 4 hrs at least whenever my gastric is acting up, which it has been even before I started popping all these pills.
I hope toasted ham and cheese will do it; pointless to take Reductil when I'm still eating like a horse tho.
God save me....I hope the headaches won't last the whole week.

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